AMA Recap 404 Daily Crypto with Centralex

404 Daily Crypto
11 min readMay 12, 2021


Hello 404 Daily Crypto Community

On 12th May 2021, Centralex conducted an AMA in the 404 Daily Crypto. Our guest is Tristan Roozendaal, CEO of Centralex and Centralex team.

Lots of questions as usual from the Community about Centralex progress. The Centralex team took part in a very interesting AMA session which included Project introduction, Questions from Twitter and a live AMA session with the 404 Daily Crypto community. If you missed the AMA in person, read this recap for a deeper insight into Centralex.

Let’s take a look at the most interesting points of our conversation.

📍Session 1 » Project Introduction

Can you introduce yourself and your team please? We want get to know you and your team. What you did before crypto, and how you got into crypto?

Tristan Roozendaal: Hi everyone! My name is Tristan Roozendaal and I am the CEO of Centralex. I have been working in the I.T sector for approx. 15 years from building network infrastructures to complete datacenters. I joined the crypto world back in 2017 when I started building my own mining rigs which expanded to a medium size mining farm with over 150 mining rigs in Hong Kong. My goal is to take Centralex to the next level by introducing methods of mass adoption with ease of use in crypto transactions by using the Centralex Exchange.

Tristan Roozendaal: Hello, my name is Marin and I am part of the founding team and currently serve as the current Chief Strategic officer at Centralex. I am a well-experienced entrepreneur on multiple executive levels with a demonstrated history of working in the IT, e-commerce, and entertainment industries. I have been involved in the crypto space since the Ethereum genesis block in mid-2015 and continue to pursue this passion.

Can you briefly describe what is Centralex project? We would like to know more about it and how it works.

Tristan Roozendaal: Centralex is a European registered crypto currency exchange. Centralex is not just a regular exchange, we have developed a platform where people feel safe to trade and invest thanks to our partner Frieblocks who is our custodial service to safeguard the wallets thanks to their MPC multi sig wallet infrastructure. Our goals are quite simple, we are going to bank the unbanked by offering DeFi products under a custo-Defi solution.

Centralex is founded in 2018 by the 3 core founders. We met each other in the crypto mining community and this project has since then attracted very talented developers all over the world. The company has since then grown an incredible team to back the vision. The Company name was meant to inspire the idea of a central platform from which traders can meet and do all functions they might need, essentially a 1-stop shop bringing crypto to the mass and banking the unbanked.

How was the idea to create this project born? It is very interesting. What do you want to achieve?What are your expectations?

Tristan Roozendaal: Centralex is founded in 2018 with Marin and myself. We met each other in the crypto mining community and this project has since then attracted very talented developers all over the world. The company has since then grow with 3 core founding members and an incredible team to back the vision.

Centralex Africa: To be straight to the point, we aim to gain access to 1% of the current market and with large well-funded projects like Kraken or Coinbase on the table, we also know this is going to be a challenge ahead.

Strategically we have been working on many fronts, it’s important to note that the launch in May of the initially semi traditional exchange is only the 1st step in long line of planned products, more of which you can read about in our roadmap.

While we have been very busy in the software space developing our technologies to deliver our promise, we have also been structuring our business to span across multiple continents with large diverse teams of movers and shakers, strategically partnering up with some of the best companies ,Fireblocks + Simplex + chainalysis to mention a few, this in combination with our on-the ground strategy leading up to the rollout of Highly specialised Crypto onboarding terminals across Africa, leads us to believe we have a serious set of cards to play on this table.

Can you give an overview of $CenX Token tokenomics? Will the design of the token rise and fall with the success of the platform,does it include any scarce paths,such as equity, storage or burning?

Tristan Roozendaal: Let me start with the tokenomics first :

  • Total supply: 500,000,000
  • Private Sale: 171,875,000
  • Public Sale: 103,125,000
  • Centralex Team: 125,000,000
  • Marketing, Integration & Partnerships: 47,500,000
  • Bounty Program: 25,000,000
  • Advisor & Consultants: 27,500,000

Our CenX token is deflationary, with a massive 5% burn in the 1st year, following a continual halving schedule indefinitely thereafter.

Centralex Africa: The CenX token is a Utility token to start with, a key component to giving users the full functionality of the platform and ecosystem. It allows users to interact with the platform in great way, unlocking special discounts, access to VIP offerings, a staking function and the ability to participate in governance votes.

Could you please provide some progress on your Roadmap and what results $CenX has achieved so far ? And any sneak peek into 2021 plans for Centralex?

Tristan Roozendaal: We as no other understand that having a realistic road map is important. Q2 we are planning to deploy our staking, governance and utility portal but also at the same time we will be deploying our mobile application. We are also working on refining our launchpad so that in Q3 we can accept other projects on our launchpad as an incubator. Following the trend is important and that’s why we are also developing a NFT after sale marketplace, lending portal. By the end of Q4 we will complete our margin trading NFT liquidity pool and crypto ATM roll out.

Our major milestones at this moment are sealing the deal with our fantastic partners, Fireblocks, Simplex, Chainanalysis, RoyalPay our NeoBank and multiple KYC partners. We are also in the final stages of of deploying our exchange and of course our Launchpad which is currently live.

What is the plan Centralex to ensure sufficient liquidity on exchanges to fill market orders, especially as adoption increases and clients begin multiplying year-over-year ?

Centralex Africa: Yes, Liquidity and the ability to fill order has been one of our major concerns, in order to ensure that from day 1. To tackle this challenge we have compiled a selection of liquidity partners that is made up of exchanges and private institutions , this ensures that we have access to very deep liquidity pools with the ability to settle almost any size order almost instantly.

This is a perpetual practice and our own treasury will grow as adoption and users base increases.

📍Session 2 » Question from Twitter

— Question from Twitter @VanRikEP
What features does CENTRALEX offer different from other platforms and that it takes hand in hand with the community or will they take it out by listening to their community and how has it helped Centralex evolve until then?

Tristan Roozendaal: Marin and myself did some great research on the market and listened to the community and we found that there is not really a single platform where a CEX and DEX go hand in hand. We at Centralex created something special and we call this Custo-Defi.

Custo-DeFi is a new concept created by our team. The name says it already, Custodial DeFi. How does this work you’re wondering? You have Centralized exchanges who are a custodial service where you store all your assets and private keys. If you want to stake, governance or join any other DeFi solution you need to transfer your funds to a DeFi (Web3) wallet. When we talk about a DEX we know that you are 100% in control over your own wallets and funds and are able to do P2P transactions.

We are Centralex put both CEX and DEX into one platform called Custo-DeFi. This allows you as a user to use the full custodial safety from a CEX but have the freedom of a DEX. This allows you to stake, governance, and participate in any other DeFi solution on the market including trading on UniSwap or any other decentralized exchange. This all thanks to our partner who is providing us Centralex the best wallet technology in the industry with their Multi sig MPC wallet technology.

— Question from Twitter @Fedricho376
A big problem for a lot of Defi projects seems to be that when farming starts, the price goes down because people unload to put liquidity into the farm. Will there be an incentive to hold and not just farm and dump?

Centralex Africa: Lets clarify that the token is not farmable at the moment. We opted to go for the staking route as we believe that this is a more sustainable approach and offer investors a clearer long term vision.

The staking features and Cen-split rewards program are the 2 mechanism that we believe will motivate people to HODL our token, both of which are directly connected to the success of the project.

For example, Stakers will earn a portion of 25% of all fees earned in CenX of the entire platform. Whilst the Cen-split rewards program will do air drops to token holders at-least 4 times per year.

These are mechanism that currently don’t exist on any other platform ( to my knowledge ) and give token a holders a more direct vested interest in the projects success.

— Question from Twitter @imwiiw27
Centralex accept deposits of major fiat currencies including USD, JPY, EUR, SGD, HKD, and AUD. Does it available in debit/credit card? Can we deposit using debit/credit card?

Tristan Roozendaal: Yes, Centralex does have a Visa / Mastercard on and offramp partner Simplex.

— Question from Twitter @Fortune41114
Your foundation idea is very new, so it takes a lot of formula and takes a long time to develop. This must have a tricky point for you? Do you agree that the strength of the community will lead your project to grow globally?

Centralex Africa: Yes, we do believe that having a strong community will affect the projects success. We need all of you to stand on the roof and shout it out loud! We need community members who believe in this project, sure we have plan to be on billboards and busses, but we also know the inherent value of community, Centralex is built by the people for the people.

Most of these actions will be backed by actions like multiple community AMA, Live Conferences and seminars covering our platform and how to use it. An academy of some sort perhaps one day…

— Question from Twitter @NancyWh25195880
Non-crypto user is very important for mainstream adoption. How you are planning to attract non-crypto users towards your project? Is there any upcoming partnership that will brings non-crypto user and real-use case?

Tristan Roozendaal: Centralex is a user friendly crypto exchange where beginners and advanced traders are able to trade on our platform with the simplicity of use. In order to become mainstream and build something special Centralex has partnered up with an Australian bank (Royal Pay) which provided users after completing their KYC/AML onboarding a personal bank account under the Centralex roof. We believe that Crypto and traditional banking should walk hand in hand by banking the unbanked Centralex style.

Centralex Africa: To back what Tristan is saying, our on-the ground strategy leading up to the rollout of Highly specialised Crypto onboarding terminals across Africa. This will be something that should assist with adoption on all fronts, even for the person who doesn’t even own a cellphone.

📍 Session 3 » Community Questions (Live AMA)

— Telegram User @nadee5
Tell us how to buy $CenX ?

Tristan Roozendaal: Fantastic question :) You can buy CenX at and our Pre-sale is live as we speak and you can participate using BNB or ETH at a token price of $0.03 + 2% bonus :)

— Telegram User @donnellyshea
What is the name of the token that CenX has? How much supply is available? And where will the token be allocated?

Centralex Africa: Answered your own question mate regarding the name 😜. 500M Total Supply, please see the tokenomics above.

— Telegram User @tinalesch
Many crimes are committed in the world every day and people become victims. How does Your Project see the importance of crowdfunding and crowdsourcing, especially in solving incidents such as human rights abuses and mass fraud?

Centralex Africa: We work with some of the top task force and investigating teams in the world, and would not hesitate to expose scammers and abusers, if all we can do for now is spend a bit of time assisting these teams, then so it be, but hopefully blockchain technology will help us solve these issues more easily down the road.

— Telegram User @budykarebet
how to sign up on Centralex dasboard ?? can you provide the Centralex dashboard link ??

Centralex Africa: — GO GO GO!

— Telegram User @oswaldhowe
Are you mainly looking for bigger investors or is your platform friendly also for the smaller investors?

Tristan Roozendaal: Good question, We noticed that at other launchpads the step in mark is quite high and need to hold tokens of the launchpad in order to participate. Most of these launchpads is attractive for people with deep pockets but we at Centralex believe that everyone needs to have a fair chance and should be able to participate with out tokens sale no matter what your budget is.

Thank you for answering questions from our Community. Before the end of the AMA, Would you like to give an opinion to our Community?

We would like to thank everyone for taking your time by listening to our project.

Centralex Africa: We would like to thank everyone for taking your time by listening to our project. At this moment our pre-sale is LIVE at at a token price of $0.03. To create a fair and open liquidity pool Centralex will put 60% of our raised capital into a UniSwap liquidity pool and all our LP token WILL be locked at TrustSwap.

If you want to learn more about our project and want to join our community, please join us in our Telegram group.

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