AMA Recap 404 Daily Crypto with FallingStar Token

404 Daily Crypto
7 min readApr 28, 2021


Hello 404 Daily Crypto Community

On 28th April 2021, FallingStar Token conducted an AMA in the 404 Daily Crypto. Our guest is FallingStar Token Team.

Lots of questions as usual from the Community about FallingStar Token progress. The FallingStar Token team took part in a very interesting AMA session which included Project introduction, Questions from Twitter and a live AMA session with the 404 Daily Crypto community. If you missed the AMA in person, read this recap for a deeper insight into FallingStar Token.

Let’s take a look at the most interesting points of our conversation.

📍Session 1 » Project Introduction

Can you introduce yourself and your team please? We want get to know you and your team. What you did before crypto, and how you got into crypto?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): Greetings! I am Christos Batsaras and I am 24 years old, and the other admin of our project is Socrates Karagiannis and he is 37 years old! I am a Civil Engineer and soon I will do an postgraduate. Socrates is Programmer, about 10 years now. I started working with crypto in order to make some income, and from the first time, I knew that I had to do something big. Socrates was my friend from that period of time, and he was stated minining some crypto.

So, one day, Socrates had a brilliant idea, to make our own token, and we were waiting the right time to do it! So we did.

Can you briefly describe what is FallingStar? We would like to know more about it and how it works.

Chris Batsaras ( FST): FallingStar is an brilliant and very long term idea that we had. We intend to not be a small value token, and be forgotten in a few days! Our expectations are getting bigger and bigger every day, as you guys giving us your positive feedback and kindness! We are putting our 101% effort every moment, trying to find the best moves from our project.

How was the idea to create this project born? It is very interesting. What do you want to achieve?What are your expectations?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): We were thinking of this project a long time ago! The whole crypocurrency community is very big now, so we thought that now is the right time to do this. We based the whole idea in an application, that will monitoring simultaneously more than 2 tokens from the time that are listed in market.

We want to see the FallingStar Token, at the biggest markets and taking an important role there! We truly believe at this project, and things are getting better every day.

Can you give an overview of FallingStar Token tokenomics? Will the design of the token rise and fall with the success of the platform,does it include any scarce paths,such as equity, storage or burning?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): Our total supply is, the 30% are the total burned(300., 650. is the total circulation and 5% goes to marketing wallet. Also, 5% of every transaction will go into liquidity and 5% will go back to the holders. In the future, we will build a charity wallet, after we discuss it with our community. We are trying to do our best about keeping whales out of it, this is why our presale is designed with this contribution.

Could you please provide some progress on your Roadmap and what results FallingStar has achieved so far ? And any sneak peek into 2021 plans for FallingStar?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): If somone will see our Roadmap, he/she will understand that this is a very serious and well-built project. At 30/04/2021, is our launch at Dxsale, so can somebody pre-buy our tokens. After presale, the FallingStar Token, will be listed at Pancakeswap. From this moment and then, we are going to make our biggest moves, including marketing and partnership. Our last goal, is to make our Token tracker application.

What is the plan FallingStar to ensure sufficient liquidity on exchanges to fill market orders, especially as adoption increases and clients begin multiplying year-over-year ?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): We figured out two methods that can support liquidity. Firstly, the presale that will ensure 200 BNBs for the liquidity, and the second one is the 5% fee that will be entered in liquidity. Also, if an investor thinks that this project is worth, he/she could increase liquidity. Generally speaking, we do not think that this will be a problem.

📍Session 2 » Question from Twitter

— Question from Twitter @Fedricho376
What is your background and how did you come to the idea to create” FstToken” project? Why did you choose the name $FstToken ? Does it have special meaning and is there any story behind this name?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): Our team consists of 5 members, where each member has a different background. Generally speaking, we have 10 years of experience in the field.

The idea came out, while we were observing the number of tokens that are created on a daily basis. Suddenly, we realised the market’s need for a full-monitoring application, for all tokens on various blockchains. The name came from the quick-losing property that tokens have on the market, it is a tribute to all these tokens.

— Question from Twitter @BENSTOCk23
So many Rug Pulls and exit scam are happening now. How we can trust this project and believe you are not same like them?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): You are right. The truth is, that this was on our minds from the beginning of our involvement with cryptocurrencies and was the beginning of our idea of kyc listing platform.That is the main reason that we will reveal our identity through live stream in the future.

— Question from Twitter @Fedricho376
Only getting users, holders etc is not everything. In my opinion, a project needs to deal with solving a real world issue or problem What is the problem that $FstToken primarily focuses on?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): We have identified the security gap for investors in the token market, so we will create the first token platform that will need to identify the developers. Due to this, the problem with fraud will cease to exist. There will be no reason for a genuine project, to not want to be registered on our platform.

— Question from Twitter @alisa_crypto
What your plans in place for global expansion, are you focusing on only market at this time? Or focus on building and developing or getting customers and users, or partnerships?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): Our main concert these days, is to launch the presale at Dxsale. After this, FallingStar Token will be listed at the PancakeSwap. For that time, our goal is to make marketing and partnership moves. After this, we will make our own Token tracker application.

— Question from Twitter @19ragum
In the world cryptocurrency competition, features are of the utmost importance to attract investors and the community! Can you provide a list of killer features that scare your competitors over your project?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): The team’s main consern, is to try to be unique. We think that our road map has some very promising features, such as the Token tracker application and the idea of kyc listing platform, but the most important feature, is our willness and well-being service.

📍 Session 3 » Community Questions (Live AMA)

— Telegram User @Dogleae
IS it possible for people who are new to crypto to join your project?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): Of course! Everyone can be part of our team, if he/she is well-meaning and wants to work hard! He have already one member that is new to this! Nice question mate!

— Telegram User @Heripotarp
Does the price of the token matter to you from an operational perspective, If your token price is $1 or $100?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): Personally speaking, yes. I would say that, the most succesfull tokens, are these with low price (0.000x), because can somebody swap a lot of them! I would say, it is better marketing! ;)

— Telegram User @Douglez
Does your project also provide a platform for STAKING or Farming in future plans? To increase profits for token holders?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): Everyone that holds, wins! 5% of every transaction returns to the holders! So, it is a good idea to hold, don’t you think mate?

— Telegram User @Topten66
Everyone knows, if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, you go with your partners, so with Your Project which partners will promote and help Your Project reach and achieve the project’s goals?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): We have already did some remarkably marketing plans, that will take place after presale (30/04 at Dxsale).

— Telegram User @Jendolcuek
What main focus will you do in your current project?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): The whole team, is focusing these days at the presale. We believe that this is the most important step to begin a very succesfull token. If presale goes well (we beleve that we are going to reach hard cap), then we go only upwards! Presale launches at 30/04 at Dxsale!

Thank you for answering questions from our community. Before the end of the AMA, maybe you want to say something to our community?

Chris Batsaras ( FST): I am grateful that I participated AMA here! I hope that everyone enjoyed it and all the questions were aswered in a good way! Thank you! Let’s go to the mooon!⭐️❤️

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