AMA Recap 404 Daily Crypto with Multiplay

404 Daily Crypto
6 min readApr 13, 2021


Hello 404 Daily Crypto Community

On the 12th of April 2021, at 12:00 PM UTC (19:00 WIB). We just successfully hosted our 11th AMA with Multiplay, with our guest from the Multiplay team:

Many of you might have participated or many of not, So here we are up with the AMA transcript for those who missed the AMA session.

Introduction Questions Asked By 404 Daily Crypto team

Can you tell us a little about your experience in the blockchain industry? and also how you can play an important role in this Multiplay?

Well, I am the lead developer multiplay team.
Been a gamer and a blockchain enthusiast for 7 years now.
Have done a couple of projects individually.
But working as a team this is our first amongst many.
Well, my experience has really aided me in managing and leading the multiplay team to achieve all we have achieved so far.

Q1. Can you introduce Multiplay to our community? and where did Multiplay come from?

Multiplay is a blockchain gaming platform that rewards gamers for the utilization of their skill.

Gamers get to earn and have fun while playing games.

Multiplay was born during the covid 19.

Seeing most activities crumble sure did stir up the idea of myself and my team to come up with the multiplay platform.
Adding the multiplayer feature to ensure people can get to engage in games without physical contact.

Q2. Can you share the strengths of Multiplay that make Multiplay stand out?

Well, one of the major strengths of multiplay is the Multiplayer feature.

Gamers at different locations can engage in contests.

Funds can be wagered and blockchain technology aids to ensure the winner gets winnings without delay.

Also multiplay is a people-focused platform
All NfT holders in the platform get rewarded with 50% of all Network fees.

The staking platform earns stakers 100% APY on all $MTP tokens staked. MTP token is the native token of the Multiplay platform.

Q3. I see that the Multiplay has its own token which is $MTP . will this $MTP token be registered later in another exchange?

The $MTP token is a BEP20 token used for all transactions and wagering of funds on the multiplay network.

It will be listed on exchanges as we progress for will just be available to swap on pancakeswap.

Q4. How does Multiplay intend to increase the value, utility, and liquidity of $MTP token? thus producing a natural increase in the price of the token?

Well, the token will be the only native token of the multiplay gaming platform.

Hence users and gamers on the platform will have to hold the token.

Holders can also stake the MTP token which will temporarily decrease the amount in circulation.

The more adoption of the platform by gamers the more the use of the token.
Which will aid in price moons

We have a 10% on transaction fees burnt on the contract.

Q5. Can you share the latest developments and further plans of Multiplay?

So far so good, we have been able to get the token contract audit done, the presale will be happening today at 18:00 GMT.

3 of our games are actually active and working on our site.

You can check them out yourselves.

We plan to launch the staking platform after Presale.
The multiplay modern warfare is also in development and will be launched in Q4.
Furthermore, the tournament launch will be in Q3.
A lot of activities are installing for the multiplay network including the global marketing campaign.

Q6. How does multiplay aim to utilize NFTs?

NFTs are key in the multiplay network.
We are developing NFTs just once and these NFTs will be distributed to all presale buyers who contribute 5bnb and above in the sale.
These NfT holders get to share 50% of the network fees.
Also, the NFTs can be wagered during gaming.
They also have governance rights.

Questions asked on Twitter for Multiplay team

Q1 From Twitter username @Dekukun75878836

I’m truly impressed by the idea of combining DeFi, games, and NFTs all together! Awesome.
What made you decide to integrate games rather than combine it with others? What influenced the birth of Multiplay?

Well like I said earlier the covid 19 was the trigger.

With the world still holding competitions in fear. We believe our Multiplayer feature can be used to host competitions globally.

Q2 From Twitter username @proudly_virgo

Does multiplay transmit and record all actions? What methods do you employ to keep games fair and transparent to everyone?

All our transactions will be recorded on the blockchain network so no hidden record.

We aim to run a transparent platform.

Q3 From Twitter username @Get_Rich16

creating a DeFi blockchain project and mixing it with games is an interesting idea. where did you get the idea? or is there a project that inspires you?

Well, this idea was all born from team members.

The idea for the shooting game came from the COD.
We will be working to produce a shooting game with in-game assets where gamers get ownership.

Q4 From Twitter username @Godslov4

What global problem does multiplay solve?

Well, multiplay solves a lot of problems.
First is that it creates a space where you can play a variety of games.
It provides employment for gamers as they can earn a living on our platform.
It also helps ensure that gamers worldwide can interact using our tournaments and in-chat feature.

Q5 From Twitter username @Setiawanipan12

Is there a leaderboard on every Multiplay game? What do we get if we are on the top of that leaderboard?


We will be creating a leaderboard that will be updated in real-time.

Both losers and winners on our games can benefit from the ranking.

The top-ranked gamers will be rewarded monthly.

Questions asked by our 404 Daily Crypto community members during live Session to Multiplay team

Q1 from Telegram username @Swinkhlon

As an investor in the world of Blockchains, I would like to know what makes your project different from the rest that already exists. What makes them safer and more efficient?

All our games are 3D design.
On WebGL.

We have ensured that the token contract was audited. We will also strive to get our games audited to avoid cheats and hackers gaining access.

Q2 from Telegram username @Jukarvai

Token burning is beneficial to any project because it can control the number of tokens in circulation and provide investors with greater incentives. Does your great project have a plan for token burning?

Yes, we do.

10% burnt on transaction fees.

Q3 from Telegram username @Eminet001

Some projects plan on launching ambassadors program to promote their projects, do you also plan for ambassador programs?

Yes, we do.

But that is not for now.
The team is focusing on building and development.

Q4 from Telegram username @Rukon2

We know this project is still very new. And there is still a lot of work to be done to achieve is still a lot of work to be done to achieve what is Expected.

We are working very hard and smartly too to ensure that we outpace all other gaming platforms.

Expect 95% of gamers patronage in one year.

Q5 from Telegram username @xuanhanh372609

I’ve seen many facts, After listed in the MARKET 70% from the whole DeFi project only playing Pump & Dump scheme and ends with RugPulls. What is the big Differentiate Multiplay with other and Will not Do the Same Scheme? How you gain community trust?

Well, first of all

We are launching on predictz. One of the safest launchpads available.

Secondly, we have our liquidity locked to avoid rug.

Thirdly our contract is audit and hinders us to manipulate it.



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