AMA Recap 404 Daily Crypto with Pepper Finance

404 Daily Crypto
12 min readMay 10, 2021


Hello 404 Daily Crypto Community

On 10th May 2021, Pepper Finance conducted an AMA in the 404 Daily Crypto. Our guest is Elizabeth, Co-owner and Marketing chief of the Pepper Finance.

Lots of questions as usual from the Community about Pepper Finance progress. The Pepper Finance team took part in a very interesting AMA session which included Project introduction, Questions from Twitter and a live AMA session with the 404 Daily Crypto community. If you missed the AMA in person, read this recap for a deeper insight into Pepper Finance.

Let’s take a look at the most interesting points of our conversation.

📍Session 1 » Project Introduction

Can you introduce yourself and your team please? We want get to know you and your team. What is the setup how many team members, their duties and the general background for this project.

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: My name is Elizabeth I’m the co-owner and Marketing chief of the Pepper Finance project as well as one of it’s biggest investor and supporter.

I have a lot of experience in the crypto sphere and have worked on various projects to successfully increase awareness and raise value. For those who know me will know that my projects are in good hands and will succeed 100%.

We have a talented team of Blockchain developers as well as frontend developers and designers that are constantly working behind the scenes to improve and update our platform.

Recently we’ve had a very successful migration to PancakeSwap V2 and I commend the team on their hard work to deliver everything to our investors quickly and safely, as speed isn’t enough we put the safety of funds as our number 1 priority.

We are always looking for new ways to innovate and give value to our investors and we have a lot of good plans in the pipeline on which I will expand shortly.

Can you briefly describe what is Pepper Finance ? We understand it is a Farm but we would like to know more about it and how is it different to so many farms that are already on BSC?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: Yes I would love to tell you all about it. PEPR was born out of the bigger PEPS project which is very popular in South America since 2017 so this has been going on for quite some time! PEPS is an old protocol forked off Bitcoin.

PEPR is the modern cousin, it was created for the DeFi age. As PEPS itself has a wide and established userbase this was a great place to launch PEPR.

To understand why PEPR is special first we must understand the standard farming format on BSC, what I call shitfarms. They begin with 0 supply and very high emissions, usually 1 token per block or more. Due to the initial small supply the price rises very rapidly.

But the demand for new tokens can’t keep up with the supply, it’s called inflation, and soon the price of the token comes crashing down. The farms do these high emissions in order to attract users early on with fantastic and unreal APR.

During this whole time as innocent people are buying the tokens for high prices the owners of the project usually dumping their own tokens and making a profit. Sort of pump and dump rug combination. And this is 99% of farms. They are basically only good for a few days.

At Pepper Finance we have taken a longer term approach with an emphasis on VALUE. Long term value to our investors. We still offer very high APR in 100s % sometimes upto 1000% APR on our LP pairs compounded this gives an APY of 503000% a year!

That means if you just deposit $1000 over a year and constantly compound your rewards you will be making over ONE MILLION DOLLARS a year. The problem is people are impatient so they usually don’t farm that long and they lose.

We can achieve this high APR% even though our emissions are very low at just 0.1 tokens / block or 2880 tokens per day. We maximise APR for investors by giving them all 2880 tokens every day as rewards. We take nothing for the team absolutely 0.

Everything goes to our investors. Also we don’t stake our own tokens in order not to deminish returns or investors. Our whole platform is geared towards maximising investor returns no gimmicks no frills because at the end of the day this is all people want — TO MAKE MONEY!.

With Pepper Finance you have best of both worlds, High APR and big profits together with Low inflation that ensures the PEPR token holds it’s value and increases long term. All emissions to rewards!

You can give a brief explanation of the top milestones your team sets a goal to accomplish by the end of the year or will work on in the future, how successful they will be, and how your project can look like in 2021 and beyond..

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: Yes absolutely we have some very exciting plans for PEPR. We have plans to develop features into PEPR finance that will give it real world use cases and widespread popularity.

We already have the shop that’s part of the Peps project the biggest cryptocurrency shop in the world where you can spend your PEPR!

Soon Peps will be coming out with a mobile app for wallet to spend PEPR and other crypto currencies with a linked credit card. We are planning a Gaming and Gambling section where users can play games and earn PEPR.

We are also planning to complement PEPR with a fixed and very low supply token that you would only be able to get by farming using your PEPR and make HUGE profits.

We also have planned a special ongoing lottery through airdrops something very special only to PEPR finance.

What about burning, lottery, airdrops and listing on CEX exchanges?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: Very important question and this will connect with what I said earlier and our whole philosophy.

As you know token burns come from the deposit fees on certain farms. It isn’t all that much money and this hasn’t really done much to promote his project except to decrease the supply a little bit.

We believe that spending the deposit fees on marketing is a much more effective approach and this is our plan. No pointless burns and instead more marketing.

Burns are a lot more necessary (even though not so effective) in highly inflationary farms that mint 5X or 10X the daily tokens we do. We only mint 2880 tokens daily and all go to rewards for stakers.

Yes that’s right we don’t keep any rewards for Dev fund at the moment we prefer to maximise rewards for our investors because we want PEPR to grow that is our central goal. For the same reason we don’t stake our own tokens so that we don’t dilute rewards for investors.

About Lottery and airdrops we have a special Lottery Airdrop planned that would rewards the lucky winners automatically on a weekly basis. More details to come…

About CEX listings we have seen the damage it has done to many other small projects starting out. A CEX listing would hurts our liquidity and splits up the trading in the end it hurts the investors and the value of the token.

Many small tokens have tried to list in these 3rd tier exchanges and ended up backing out. We won’t make the same mistake we want to protect our investors. Perhaps in future when we are big enough to qualify for tier 1 exchanges like Binance we will consider it.

What marketing do you have planned for PEPR to grow the project and the number of holders?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: Yes I will tell you all about it as this is what almost all our resources will go towards. We have very big plans

We have coming up:
1) more AMA sessions

2) YouTube review from famous influencers

3) advertising campaign on big sites like CoinMarketCap , CoinGecko, DappRadar, BSCscan and many more

4) postings in special big audience telegram channels such as waterfall central, UniRocket etc. only today we hit the market with a special 24h campaign to advertise Pepper Finance in these huge Telegram groups with over 200000 investors:


5) very intensive work marketing and increasing our Telegram channel we will be hoping to get to 10000 users before the end of the month.

6) Partnerships with many projects are currently being planned in order to leverage our joint communities to increase our exposure and for the mutual success of our projects. In the near future we will be launching an auto-compound vault over at Sishi Finance so that your PEPR can be staked and auto compounded for maximum APY gains!

This is just a selection of our ongoing marketing activities we put marketing at our core and this is where we will invest 90% of our funds for the benefit of our investors and future growth of PEPR project. As you can see we take our marketing very seriously.

Security of investors funds is most important. Apart from eliminating the Migrator, what other measures have you taken in order to guarantee the security of our assets?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: We have been fully audited by TechRate our code has been forked off Sishi finance which is undergoing Certik audit and they forked off Goose finance that have already been Certik certified.

Our code is literally rug proof and 100% safe. And open source are one of the only farms that keep their frontend open source not only the backend this means that when you go on our site app.pepr.fianance you will know that all the figures on display are real. In other farms they can easily be faked.

We have further audits planned and will be publishing in the near term. As I said at Pepper Finance we put the safety and security of funds as our number 1 priority. We are always looking for new ways to innovate and give top value to our investors.

📍Session 2 » Question from Twitter

— Question from Twitter @ashes204bd
Pepper Finance is a project that need support of all types of communities, so have you considered create or different local community with multiple languages?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: Yes good question. Of course we have considered it and we would like to give each nationality and it’s language its own focus. However being still small and young project we prefer not to split up our efforts just yet. At the moment we are focusing on the international English language. Once our audience has grown into over 10000 users, hopefully by the end of this month, we would be able to start focusing on regional groups in many popular languages

— Question from Twitter @alisa_crypto
How do we invest in the project? Do we have locking period or a minimum requirement to be eliqible?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: You can easily invest in the project by going to our exchange page on our site make sure you select V2 as we have recently updated to that. Once you buy your PEPR tokens you can stake them right away and make great APR or create LP pairs for even bigger profits. There are no locking periods, no restrictions and no deposit fees on PEPR farms we believe in a free market and investors are free to come and go as they please although we do see our long term holders as gaining the most. We expect PEPR to reach $100 before the end of the year that’s almost 100X from now so I would say a little patience would be worth it😁

— Question from Twitter @alisa_crypto
Most of the questions you receive during an AMA Series hosted by your team are centered around your product and services,I would like to ask you what you expect from community members and how can we help with your project?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: Our community is truly our biggest asset. We take care to nurture a very close relationship with our supporters. I’m available almost 24/7 on our telegram group @pepperfinance_v2 to answer all and any questions patiently and politely and directly to our investors. I would say the best way to offer your support is to join our community , take part in the lively discussions we are very open and easy going and we welcome everyone to Pepper Finance 🌶️

📍 Session 3 » Community Questions (Live AMA)

Telegram User: Can you list 1–3 killer features of Your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: The only feature worth considering about our project is that it’s going to make our investors a lot of money. We are a DeFi project after all.

We believe that through our unique tokenomics we have struck the perfect balance to give our investors MAXIMUM LONG TERM value. Inflation is very low APR is very high but it’s also real and sustainable long term. We have a small supply and it is capped at only 7,777,777 tokens. Now is the best time to invest in PEPR while it is still cheap.

Telegram User: You give high APR to investors. What% will you give? Can this change over time?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: This is very good question as you see with 99% of farms they start with crazy high APR and then drop to nothing as their tokens lose value. We have taken a more balanced approach that favours the long term investors rather than the pumpers and dumpers. Over time as the value of PEPR increase the APR we offer would also increase as do the number of holders.

Telegram User :Combining 2 most important things namely NFT and DeFi. It is hard work Even under the supervision of experienced developers can EarnX last a long time? Can you tell us a little about your RoadMaps?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: We believe in being focused on what we are and who we are and what we do best. What we do best is we make MONEY for our investors as a prominent DeFi platform which is the modern banking system. NFTs are important but those are the modern museums. You would go to your bank for art and you wouldn’t go to your museum to do your banking of course. And so our success will be in our focus and be the best at what we do.

Telegram User: Will there be a need for more team members and ambassadors? And what ways can token holders earn? Are there any staking program?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: Absolutely, I have said that as soon as we reach our 10000 user goal for Telegram we would like to start opening and investing in various national groups there are many important investors from all over the world and we want to cater for all of them, ideally all in their own language. We already have some community members from different backgrounds and we are open to welcoming more members from all nationalities into our community to establish an awareness of Pepper Finance in their own countries and regions. If anyone would like to get involved please speak to me in our group later @pepperfinance_v2

Telegram User: Trust is very important in business . So what makes investors customers and users feel safe when working with in this your project ?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: Trust is the most important! And although our management team is anonymous I’m happy to share my wallet address for all to see that as much as anyone else I’m invested for the long term. We had a fair launch all our team members bought their PEPR tokens on the open market just like everyone else and I have never sold 1 PEPR only bought more and more I think that says a lot about the project and our commitment to it with full transparency.

Thank you for answering questions from our community. Before the end of the AMA, maybe you want to say something to our community?

Elizabeth $PEPR Pepper Finance: I want to say well done to you at Daily Crypto 404 and I hope to be back here soon with more good things to report on our progress and even bigger prizes!

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