AMA Recap 404 Daily Crypto with Save Kids

404 Daily Crypto
7 min readMay 15, 2021


Hello 404 Daily Crypto Community

On 15th May 2021, Save Kids conducted an AMA in the 404 Daily Crypto. Our guest is Save Kids team.

Lots of questions as usual from the Community about Save Kids progress. The Save Kids team took part in a very interesting AMA session which included Project introduction, Questions from Twitter and a live AMA session with the 404 Daily Crypto community. If you missed the AMA in person, read this recap for a deeper insight into Save Kids.

Let’s take a look at the most interesting points of our conversation.

📍Session 1 » Project Introduction

Can you introduce yourself and your team please? We want get to know you and your team. What you did before crypto, and how you got into crypto?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: My name is Andrei, I am a father and a 10 year career in sales management. I gathered a beautiful team around our project with a development department and a marketing department. I entered the crypto world 5 years ago. We are looking to find some moderators to join our team.

Can you briefly describe what is SaveKids? We would like to know more about it and how it works.

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: Save Kids is a project that aims to help children, in general we want to work with specialized charities, but recently we also identified individual causes. In addition to donations from the project, we aim to create a charity targeted ecosystem that will gather and present the most important cases where the help for kids is needed. We will promote the cases and we trust the community that they will contribute.

You can join us here:

How was the idea to create this project born? It is very interesting. What do you want to achieve?What are your expectations?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: We have been in the area of cryptocurrencies for a long time, we have seen different kind of projects, some of them promise technology, others offer solutions to problems and some of them offer nothing. Our concept uses the blockchain technology and brings an original solution to help children in need. Knowing that investors invest for profit, we combined generosity with investors’ profit.

Expectations? We want to become a benchmark in this crypto segment.
Find more info on our website:

Can you give an overview of $SAKI Token tokenomics? Will the design of the token rise and fall with the success of the platform,does it include any scarce paths,such as equity, storage or burning?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: We have burned 23.3% of the supply to increase the value of the token. We have taken precautions for dump with a maxim transaction of 0.5%, no one can sell everything in one transaction.

Team members have a wallet of 0.7% each, less than the maximum buy from presale.

The charity and development and marketing wallets have already been locked, in addition we have fees of 3% passive income for investors and 7% are permanently burned.

Tokenomics is available at

Could you please provide some progress on your Roadmap and what results SaveKids has achieved so far ? And any sneak peek into 2021 plans for SaveKids?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: The roadmap will be available soon, meanwhile new ideas and new plans have been added. I can reveal a few points though: NFT for Kids, the plan is very large, it’s not just about minting some NFTs. Obviously, we have the part of donations integrated in this process. The whole plan is made to raise as much money for donations with an ecosystem oriented on the final beneficiaries, the children in need.

We also plan to create applications and a mobile games integrated with the final target of helping children. And obviously the CEX listings and all the other components needed for a project.

What is the plan SaveKids to ensure sufficient liquidity on exchanges to fill market orders, especially as adoption increases and clients begin multiplying year-over-year ?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: There are two components of liquidity.
1. For swaps, this area is quite easy to manage.
2. The one for the listings on CEX, we already planned a buy-back mechanism, and there are a lot of solution for providing liquidity. These aspects are established with the partners (CEX), depending on their flexibility on owned ecosystem. And obviously, we are always looking to involve the community.

📍Session 2 » Question from Twitter

— Question from Twitter @ashes204bd
When we want to get involve in Save Kids charitable digital currency, will be there limitation to donate? Minimum or maximum? And will $Saki share the distribution of the charity with top transparency to public?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: There will be no limits for the amount of the donations. As we specified, we have a wallet intended for special cases, we can connect the investors to charity cases. There could be a minimum amount, but that would be very small. Yes, we will consult the community for special cases, this is one of our points. For example, we are now thinking of kids from India affected by the strugle in the fight with COVID-19 and cases of refugees.

— Question from Twitter @BENSTOCk23
What is Main reason everyone should buy your token? How many offers are there from this token?And What are the benefits of holding this token?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: We help children while investors earn in 2 ways: by 3% passive income and by increasing the value of the token.

Safety measures where taken into account for the project.

In most projects, investors only generate profits, in the Save Kids project they will also generate profits but they will also help children.

— Question from Twitter @Account8595
Token burn” is beneficial for any project, in being able to control the number of token circulation and to provide greater incentives to investors. Does your great project have a plan about token burn?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: The goal is to increase the value as much as possible so that the donated amounts are as high as possible. For this reason we have already burned 23.3% and we have the highest burning percentage, 7% fees for each transaction

— Question from Twitter @Shakilpk123
Nowdays Many projects rug pulled and exit scam. Why should investors trust this project not to do the same?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: We are serious people, we locked 95% of the liquidity collected in presale, we have also locked the charity and the development wallet, people will have time to gain confidence in the project. We have been working on the project for a while!

— Question from Twitter @thuyhiennnn
Nearly 80% of investors only focus on the short-term token price instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us the motivation and benefits for investors to hold your tokens for the long term?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: We have already mentioned the part of passive income and automatic burning, and the value will increase.

We hope that some people will take action to help the suffering children and this doesn’t have to exclude some personal benefits. This project is long-term, we build a unique ecosystem!

📍 Session 3 » Community Questions (Live AMA)

— Telegram User @detabol
Are you planning to promote your project in countries / regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: Yes, once the community grows want to recruit ambassadors for the local communities in the team

— Telegram User @loren_679
As we know, NFTs are here to stay disrupting the entire crypto market, can you break down your opinion and vision about NFTs within the platform?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: We want to build an entire ecosystem around NFT, with a charity component and a marketplace

— Telegram User @minimkunce
Do you have a Token Burning plan to increase Token value and attract Investors to invest?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: We burned 23.3% and implemented the system that burns 7% of the fees in each transaction.

— Telegram User @Ami_jani_na
Which do you think is more important:

A. Community
B. Investors
C. Token Price

If all of the above is important to you, which should come first?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: All your options are very important, but I want to add the help of children

— Telegram User @QueenKarinaa
Does #SAKI token have a plan to attract non-crypto investors to your project? Because it is the project’s success to get more investors who still don’t exist in the crypto world. What are the plans for raising awareness around you in the non-crypto space?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: Yes, that’s what’s nice about this project. People who want to get involved in helping someone can have their first contact with the crypto world through our project. We plan to popularize the charity-oriented ecosystem.

Thank you for answering questions from our community. Before the end of the AMA, maybe you want to say something to our community?

Mr. A | Save Kids Team: We are delighted that we were able to address the community and present our project. It is very important to help children, unfortunately, the cases increase. So we are waiting for your community to support us and support children !!!

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📍 More information on Save Kids:
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