AMA Recap 404 Daily Crypto with Zero Disease

404 Daily Crypto
13 min readJun 4, 2021


Hello 404 Daily Crypto Community

On 3rd June2021, Zero Disease conducted an AMA in the 404 Daily Crypto. Our guest is Sjoerd, Founder of Zero Disease ($ZEASE).

Lots of questions as usual from the Community about Zero Disease progress. The Zero Disease team took part in a very interesting AMA session which included Project introduction, Questions from Twitter and a live AMA session with the 404 Daily Crypto community. If you missed the AMA in person, read this recap for a deeper insight into Zero Disease.

Let’s take a look at the most interesting points of our conversation.

📍Session 1 » Project Introduction

Can you introduce yourself and your role between Zero Disease project?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Yes! My name is Sjoerd, the founder of $ZEASE. I’m an altcoin anthioustast from the Netherlands. It was 2016 when I first came in contact with Blockchain and was instantly intrigued.

It all started with following the top 100 cryptocurrencies, I immersed myself in the technology and the communities and became more and more convinced that we are in the middle of a revolutionary transition.

Now, five years later, I have seen numerous projects pass in review. Of the many projects that have arisen, only a few are left. All this while a gigantic abundance of not only technical knowledge but also money flows through the blockchain era.

By combining my passion of technology and blockchain with my ethical desire to give back to the world, the purpose of $ZEASE was born.

Can you briefly describe what is $ZEASE? We would like to know more about it and how it works.

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Excellent! Will do. Let’s give a brief explanation: Zero Disease is a charity orientated community token, created by and for the community. The main purpose of Zero Disease is to utilize the wealth and technical possibilities blockchain offers us and connect this with the medical world. I saw some great community questions on forehand on twitter, so we will dive deeper into details while answering the questions!

How was the idea to create this project born? It is very interesting. What do you want to achieve? What are your expectations?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Great question! By combining our passion of technology and blockchain with our ethical desire to give back to the world, the purpose of $ZEASE was born. Our goal is create an ecosystem where on one side donations and fundraising can thrive, and on the other hand the medical healthcare and patientcare can improve by utilizing the wealth and technical possibilities of the blockchain.

Zero Disease is a charity orientated token created from passion, ambition and believe. Zero Disease is made to be profitable for investors, participants and medical parties. Most charity tokens are focussed on donating alone. Which is an amazing cause, and therefore our first phase will be creating an ecosystem where donations and fundraising will thrive. This will be done by:

• Weekly donations to charities
• Creating a donation fundraising platform where anybody can apply a charity to raise funds.
• Creating a lottery for charities
• A 1% tax fee that goes straight to the charity wallet
• Creating an NFT-auction platform for charities.

However we believe there is more then just the wealth that we can offer to improve healthcare. The blockchain offers a lot of technical possibilities to improve and optimize healthcare and patientcare, think about:
• Managing electronic medical record (EMR) data
• Protection of healthcare data
• Personal health record data management
• Point-of-care genomics management
• Electronics health records data management

In the second phase Zero Disease will connect the technical possibilities blockchain offers with the medical world, where Zero Disease will have an active role guiding and setting up projects to connect these worlds!

How can I invest in the $ZEASE project? It’s safe?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Zero Disease can be bought from PancakeSwap:

The liquidity is locked, therefore we have no acces to pull the liquidity from pancakeswap. There was no pre-sale and the team had to buy themselves in like everyone else. We would like to express again that this is a community token, it is created to be safe and accessible for everyone!

How many tokens Will be minted ? And How many tokens Will be locked by the team?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: We can share a brief overview of our tokenomics to go a bit more into detail!

Zero Disease is launched with an initial supply of $ZEASE tokens. Of these tokens 95.5% is provided and locked as liquidity on Pancakeswap, 2.5% is sent to the charity wallet & 2.0% is sent to the marketing & development wallet.

No more tokens can ever be created or minted. However, every transaction burns tokens, creating scarcity and therefore reducing the amount of circulation supply.

Every transaction has a 3% transaction fee.
• 1% fee is burned forever.
• 1% fee goes straight to the charity wallet.
• 1% fee is distributed to the hodlers.

This means that if you buy and hold $ZEASE, you automatically gain rewards. After all, 1% of all transaction volumes is distributed amongst all hodlers pro rato.

We launched our own Zero Disease dashboard to track your holdings, and your rewards live. Check it out!

Could you please provide some progress on your Roadmap and what results Zero Disease has achieved so far ? And any sneak peek into 2021 plans for $ZEASE?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Zero Disease is launched only 10 days ago! Right after we launched we requested to be listed on Coinmarketcap, coingecko, coinhunt, coinsniper etc. We are also in contact with the Feg Exchange team to be listed there in the coming weeks as soon as their Smart Swap is live!

Besides FEG we are also in contact with smaller exchanges and are orientating to list $ZEASE on Binance on the long run.

As just said by explaining the tokenomics, we launched our own Zero Disease Dashboard where you can track your rewards and holdings live from anywhere at anytime! We are thrilled with this dashboard because it will play a central part of future features, such as a voting system, a donation page, fundraising platform and NFT auction place.

We are also in contact with lots of youtube and twitter influencers to increase our audience and are holding community twitter contests every week where community members can win up to 100$ of $ZEASE every single week for promoting Zero Disease on twitter!

What is the plan Zero Disease to ensure sufficient liquidity on exchanges to fill market orders, especially as adoption increases and clients begin multiplying year-over-year ?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: As said above, we provided 95.5% of the total supply as liquidity on pancakeswap and locked it. However, we locked it in a smart-time frame, this means:

1/3 of the liquidity will be locked forever on pancakeswap, nor we, nor anyone else will be able to access these funds.
1/3 of the liquidity will be unlocked 2 months after launch to be uses as liquidity on new exchanges, such as Feg Exchange.
1/3 of the liquidity will be unlocked 12 months after the launch also to be used as liquidity for new exchanges.

This way we create a safe environment to invest in, and at the same time we are able to work on getting listed on new exchanges.

Our vision and ambition is to create a global accessible token, which is accessible from anywhere, at anytime. Therefore our target is to get listed on a broad spectrum of exchanges. We believe our liquidity plan will make this accessible.

📍Session 2 » Question from Twitter

— Question from Twitter @Sujonsokhi33
Currently, most investors are only interested in profits at this time, but ignore the long-term benefits. So can you give me some advice on why I should buy and hold your token in the long term?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: One of the risks in creating a bridge between the crypto community and the medical world is the difference in expectations.

Real world usecases tend to take a longer time to implement new ideas and processes then the timeframe people have in the crypto community to expect growth.

Therefore we created 2 main features. Feature one will be the first phase and consists of creating an ecosystem where donations and fundraising will thrive. Such an ecosystem is created and implemented faster and will therefore meet the requirements of early expectations.

Secondly we implemented frictionless rewards. A 1% tax fee per transaction is distributed amongst all hodlers, as a reward for their trust and patience. This means you earn rewards for just holding the Zero Disease token. You can track your holdings and rewards live at any moment on our own created Zero Disease dashboard

Buy, Hold and earn rewards!

In the meanwhile we are working hard behind the scenes toward phase 2, where Zero Disease will connect both worlds and will have an active role guiding and setting up projects🔥

— Question from Twitter @Safi4568
In your opinion, which is most important for the this platform and why?Community, Investors, Market or Exchange?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: In a perfect world there would be a perfect balance of all four aspects. In our opinion they are all four as important, therefore we are working to create a balance between the aspects.

Community and investors involvement is really important, our charity token is community orientated. The community and investors will be able to vote, donate, raise funds, and earn frictionless rewards while holding $ZEASE.

We created a limited initial supply of, 95,5% of the supply was provided as liquidity and locked.

With every transaction 1% will be burned forever, creating scarcity on the market and a healthy investment ecosystem. We implemented frictionless rewards. A 1% tax fee per transaction is distributed amongst all hodlers, as a reward for their trust and patience.

This means you earn rewards for just holding the Zero Disease token. You can track your holdings and rewards live at any moment on our own created Zero Disease dashboard

Buy, Hold and earn rewards!

We are actively working on listing Zero Disease on multiple exchanges, both DEX and CEX. This is a process that will take a longer time frame. However, we are in talks with several parties.

— Question from Twitter @Jaki73364096
What are the key milestones on your roadmap — both things you have already achieved and things that we can look forward to? Any partnerships and short/long term technical milestones that you want to talk about or bring some attention to?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Great question, our roadmap is packed.

One of the first things we did, right after launch, was submit request for listings on platforms such as Coingecko, Coinmarketcap, Coinhunt, Coinsniper, Cryptotokenspace etc. We are looking forward to be listed on Coingecko and Coinmarketcap.

One the first products we launched is our Beta Dashboard. Right now our dashboard can be used to follow your holdings and your frictionless rewards live. Check out .

The dashboard will play a crucial part in the future development of Zero Disease. Multiple features will be added to the dashboard in the future, think about the Donation and fundraising aspect, a voting feature etc.

Another aspect that we are actively working on is listing Zero Disease on multiple exchanges, both DEX and CEX. This is a process that will take a longer time frame. However, we are in talks with several parties.

Next to that we have started our weekly donations! last week we made our first donation to ‘Save the Children’ and donated a $2.052,93 🔥

From this week the community will be able to vote for the charity that we will donate to every week!

We are also expanding our marketing with for example youtube video’s, twitter/tiktok influencers, Advertisements and ofcourse our weekly community contest where you can win 100$ worth of $ZEASE every week for promoting Zero Disease on twitter! ❤️

— Question from Twitter @ShinPoka9984
How does #Zease chooses what charity to donate and to support? How does donation being given to the charity? Where are you getting funds for donation in the choosen charity of #Zease?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Donations can roughly be split into the weekly donations and the future donation and fundraising platform.

Right now we have started with the weekly donations and, just as said above, donated $2.000,00 on our first week to ‘Save the Children’!

Zero Disease will propose 4 different charities each week. The community will vote which charity will be chosen to donate to that specific week. In the near future the community will have the ability to propose charities for the weekly donations.

Donations will be, in the first place, be done with cryptocurrency. However, if the charity does not accept cryptocurrency donations yet, the cryptocurrency will be traded for FIAT to donate to the specific charity.

one thing sir, so for the weekly donation, all the fund raising by Zero Disease within a week will be donated to choosed charity ?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Every Zero Disease token that is collected from taxes and donations and that are collected in the charity wallet will be used for charity donations.

We have a 1% tax fee on all transactions that goes straight to the charity wallet. These fees, collected during the week, will be traded during the week to donate to the (community chosen) charity on every sunday.

— Question from Twitter @Moritz_FabianMC
What would you say: Why is $ZEASE THE CHARITY TOKEN to invest and not another one? Your opinion to other charity coins & do you think you’ll have a “chance” against big ones? Will ZEASE go to the moon? Rocket How did you create your team?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Excellent question! Zero Disease is a charity orientated token created from passion, ambition and believe. Zero Disease is made to be profitable for investors, participants and medical parties.

Most charity tokens are focussed on donating alone. Which is an amazing cause, and therefore our first phase will be creating an ecosystem where donations and fundraising will thrive. This will be done by:
• Weekly donations to charities
• Creating a donation fundraising platform where anybody can apply a charity to raise funds.
• Creating a lottery for charities
• A 1% tax fee that goes straight to the charity wallet
• Creating an NFT-auction platform for charities.

However we believe there is more then just the wealth that we can offer to improve healthcare. The blockchain offers a lot of technical possibilities to improve and optimize healthcare and patientcare, think about:
• Managing electronic medical record (EMR) data
•- Protection of healthcare data
• Personal health record data management
• Point-of-care genomics management
• Electronics health records data management

In the second phase Zero Disease will connect the technical possibilities blockchain offers with the medical world, where Zero Disease will have an active role guiding and setting up projects.

Zero Disease will bring more then just money to improve healthcare and patientecare. Zero Disease is founded from ambition, vision, passion and true believe. We are convinced that we by connecting both worlds we can really improve the future of healthcare and patientcare, not only for ourselves, but also for four future generations.

After all, we are in a revolutionary transition, called the blockchain era. The time is now.

📍 Session 3 » Community Questions (Live AMA)

— Telegram User @Aurellia12
Can you give me the best 3 features to convince me and other investors to invest in your project in the long term?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Great question! There are lot of great features, to name a couple.

•Our token is founded by passion, vision and years of experience with blockchain. We didn’t found Zero Disease for a short time of P&D but we want to establish a long term project, which is more then a token, but a community, a lifestyle, a way to improve the current healthcare!

•Frictionless rewards: By holding the Zero Disease token you automatically gain free $ZEASE. These rewards can be tracked live by our own zero disease dashboard

•Donating for a better world. By using $ZEASE you don’t only invest, you donate at the same time! Every transaction will increase the weekly donations! Invest and create a better world while gaining free rewards!

— Telegram User @imbabyjan
Has your project been completely decentralized, and will there be any risk of centralization in the future?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Our project is completely decentralized. Our contract is open source, and the contract ownership is renounced. This means nor we, nor anyone has access to the Zero Disease contract.

Therefore no one will be able to make central decisions about the tokenomics!

— Telegram User @N_N_N_88
Is your project listed on coingecko and coinmarketcap or not???

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Great question. Right after the launch we requested listing on numerous platforms, including CoinGecko and Coinmarketcap. Right now we are in such an early phase that we have not been listed yet. We are in contact with the platforms and expect to be listed any moment now!

— Telegram User @Jasi623
Do you have any plans to add Nft’s to your ecosystem as this is the hottest topic in the crypto space?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Yes we have! NFT’s are not only a very cool way to reach an amazing audience, it is also a amazing oppertunity to raise funds for charities. Therefore we will create our own Zero Disease NFT auction platform where you can auction your NFT’s to raise funds for charities ❤️

— Telegram User @Maaraloli
Are there any plans to list it on more top exchanges to attract more investors?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: Yes! Right now our liquidity is provided and locked on Pancakeswap. We are in contact with the FEG exchanges to get listed in the coming weeks!

Besides that we are also in contact with exchanges like Bilaxy, WhiteBIT and Hotbit to be listed in the coming months. And we are orientating to get listed on Binance in the long run. We are in such an early phase, the future is exciting! 🔥

Thank you for answering questions from our community. Before the end of the AMA, maybe you want to say something to our community?

Sjoerd | Founder of $ZEASE: A big thank you to every single one of you! I would love to invite you all to our community!


Don’t forget to check out our website:
and to invest in a better future while gaining rewards

Don’t forget to track your holdings live on our own Zero Disease tracker dashboard!

Cheers on a great future, and a big thank you to the @DailyCrypto404 team to host this AMA ❤️

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📍 More information on Zero Disease:
❇️ Website:
❇️ Twitter:
❇️ Telegram:
❇️ Zero Disease Announcements:
❇️ Whitepaper:



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